Fullcare Testing and Servicing

Count on our expert service engineers who are Fullwood “Full Care” trained to provide top-notch testing and servicing for your milking parlour. From annual tests to six-month interim services, we ensure your milking operation meets ISO standards and runs smoothly. Trust us to replace worn serviceable items, reducing breakdowns and keeping your dairy operation efficient and productive.

Fullwood “Full Care” trained

All our service engineers are Fullwood “Full Care” trained and are certified to provide the following

An annual test and service on the milking parlour, after which a certificate will be issued to confirm the milking parlour has passed the ISO standards.

Six monthly interim test and full service on the milking parlour.

As part of our test and service we feel it is important to replace any serviceable items which are over 50% worn. This helps reduce the number of breakdowns between each service.

This is just a guide to the items that are checked on a Fullcare Test and Service

Vacuum pump

Vacuum system

Pulsation system

Claw condition

Meter check

A.C.R check

Milk pump check

Rubber ware check

Comprehensive report

Checks for static and dynamic testing

We ensure full industry compliance

Ensure your milking parlour remains reliable, efficient, and compliant with industry standards. Our commitment to excellence and proactive maintenance guarantee that your equipment operates at its best, adhering to the highest standards.

Our services enhance reliability through regular servicing and optimised efficiency with expertly tuned equipment. We ensure full industry compliance, giving you the certification and peace of mind that your operation meets all relevant ISO standards.

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